Shuffle Golf

Tee Off the Tabletop Thrills with ThinkUp's Indoor Gaming Delight!

Shuffle Golf, is a captivating indoor tabletop game developed by ThinkUp, offers a delightful and compact gaming experience that brings together the thrill of shuffleboard and the strategic essence of golf. Designed for tabletop play, this ingenious game provides all the excitement of a golf course within the confines of your game room or man cave. ThinkUp's Shuffle Golf is ingeniously crafted with a compact board layout that mimics the intricacies of a golf course, making it suitable for small spaces without compromising on the fun and challenge.

The first golfer throws their 3 Golfpucks from the the fairway, using the ramp to land their shot. Points are tallied up and recorded for that hole and the Golfpucks are removed from the course. 

The second golfer shoots and tallies their score. The cup is moved to the next hole and that game continues until the game is complete. 

Lowest score wins the same as golf.

ThinkUp has paid meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the components are not only visually appealing but also sturdy and well-designed for a seamless gaming experience. Shuffle Golf's tabletop format makes it a versatile and accessible option for indoor entertainment, making it a fantastic choice for social gatherings, family game nights, or a quick match with friends. With its innovative design and the fusion of two beloved games, Shuffle Golf promises hours of engaging gameplay, making it a must-have addition to any indoor gaming collection.

Pre-Orders start now on Kickstarter. Link is provided to both their website and their fundraiser.


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